Church Membership
Discover the beliefs and core ethos that constitutes one to be a member of Citadel of Victory
Citadel of Victory (COV) upholds specific guidelines and a distinct ethos for its members. These principles include unwavering faithfulness,
active service, and a teachable spirit. Aspiring members are encouraged to embrace these values, fostering a vibrant and purposeful
community within the church
The Premise For Church Membership
A. Salvation is the key:
- The essential requirement for church membership is a personal spiritual rebirth, not merely adherence to a set of rules or rituals.
- A true believer, having been born again, is part of the universal Church of Christ, which transcends time and place, encompassing past, present, and future believers (Refer to John 1:11-12; John 3:3, 16-18; John 17:20; Hebrews 11:39-12:1).
B. The Necessity of Local Church Affiliation:
- Belonging to a local congregation involves moving beyond individualism and committing oneself to a community.
- Just as Jesus Christ willingly sacrificed His comfort to connect with humanity, believers are called to do the same.
- Local congregations have specific expectations for their members, with salvation being the most fundamental prerequisite.
C. The Implications of Church Membership:
- The metaphor of the body of Christ illustrates that church membership is not isolated; members are interdependent, each contributing to the whole (1 Corinthians 12:21-26).
- Church members are expected to operate in unity, with each person’s ministry serving the collective good.
- Every member has a unique, divinely appointed role within the church.
- The New Testament mandates that church elders shepherd their congregation diligently (Acts 20:28).
- Elders bear a distinct responsibility to care for a particular community of believers.
- Members are called to respect and follow the guidance of their church leaders (Hebrews 13:17).
- Church discipline, as outlined in the scriptures, presupposes an established membership (Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Corinthians 5:12).
- The process of excommunication indicates the existence of formal church membership (1 Corinthians 5:12-13).
- Membership delineates who is an accountable part of the church body, ensuring clarity and order within the community.
These points underscore the importance of church membership as a commitment that goes beyond individual faith to include active participation in a community of believers.