Glad Tidings Fellowship Church   |    CITADEL OF VICTORY

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Theology is the study of God, religious beliefs, and the interpretation of sacred texts.

A theologian is someone who engages in the systematic study of religious doctrines and principles.

Tabloid Theology refers to simplified or sensationalized religious ideas often found in popular media.

Folk Theology represents the informal, everyday beliefs held by ordinary people within a religious community.

Theology can be categorized into biblical, historical, philosophical, creedal, and apologetic theology.

Proper theology involves rigorous study, critical thinking, and a humble approach to understanding faith.

Essential orthodox beliefs include the Trinity, the deity of Christ, salvation by grace, and the resurrection.

Christians believe in objective truth based on God's revelation through Scripture and Jesus Christ.

While confidence is important, humility and openness to learning are equally crucial.

Diverse interpretations arise due to cultural contexts, historical developments, and individual perspectives.

The church administers sacraments such as baptism and communion. Baptism is typically performed once, symbolizing entry into the Christian faith. Communion (also known as the Lord's Supper) involves partaking of bread and wine (or grape juice) in remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice.

The church celebrates marriage as a sacred covenant between a man and a woman. Funerals are occasions to honor the deceased, comfort the bereaved, and affirm the hope of resurrection.

Worship services often include prayer, singing hymns or contemporary worship songs, and listening to sermons. Prayer can be communal or individual, expressing gratitude, supplication, and intercession.

We observe fasting as the Lord directs us and during specific seasons or before significant events. Abstinence may involve refraining from certain foods or activities as an act of devotion..

The church commemorates Easter (the resurrection of Jesus) and Christmas (the birth of Jesus) with special services.

We observe fasting as the Lord directs us and during specific seasons or before significant events. Abstinence may involve refraining from certain foods or activities as an act of devotion..

Confession involves acknowledging sins to God. Repentance includes genuine remorse, turning away from sin, and seeking forgiveness and renunciation of such..

While practices vary, we as a church encourage modesty and respectful attire during worship services.

Churches offer Bible studies, shepherd groups, discipleship programs, and mentoring relationships. These help members deepen their faith and grow spiritually.

Tithing (giving a portion of income) and offerings (additional gifts) support the church's ministry. We encourage our members to give as they are led by the Lord and not out of compulsion and manipulation.

We offer Bible studies, shepherd groups, discipleship programs, and mentoring relationships. These help members deepen their faith and grow spiritually.

Church leadership, often guided by prayer and discernment, introduces new practices through teaching, communication, and consensus-building. Old practices may change due to cultural shifts or theological considerations.

Key decisions are typically made by the church's leadership team, which may include the Senior pastor, associate pastor, elders, and deacons. The congregation may also be involved in major decisions through meetings or votes.

Leaders are often selected based on their spiritual maturity, commitment to the church, and leadership abilities. The process can involve nomination, voting by the congregation, or appointment by existing leaders.

Elders are responsible for spiritual oversight, teaching, and shepherding the congregation. Deacons handle practical matters and service within the church. Other leaders may have specific roles like youth ministry or worship coordination.

Yes, members can be involved through congregational meetings, serving on committees, or providing input on various church matters.

Conflicts are addressed through prayerful discussion, mediation, and adherence to biblical principles of reconciliation and forgiveness.

For accountability we have regular performance reviews, financial transparency, and we adhere to a code of conduct.

Our church is actively involved in various community projects, including food drives, clothing donations, and support services for the homeless and underprivileged.

Members can get involved by volunteering for our outreach programs, participating in community service events, and contributing to our charitable initiatives.

Yes, we collaborate with local shelters, schools, and non-profit organizations to maximize our impact in the community.

We offer mentorship programs, after-school activities, and summer camps aimed at providing a safe and nurturing environment for young people.

Our church provides visitation programs, assistance with errands, and social events to support and engage with the elderly.

In times of crisis, our church mobilizes resources and volunteers to provide immediate assistance and long-term support to affected areas.

We provide literacy programs, tutoring services, and educational workshops to promote learning and development within the community.

Our outreach efforts are a direct expression of our faith's call to love and serve others, reflecting our commitment to compassion and community engagement.

We offer counseling, financial assistance, and practical support to families facing hardships, ensuring they have the resources they need to thrive.

We organize mission trips and support international projects to aid communities in need around the world.

To become a member, one typically needs to profess faith in Jesus Christ, be baptized, and agree to abide by the church's beliefs and practices.

Baptism is often viewed as a public declaration of faith and the entry point into church membership.

Benefits include a sense of belonging, accountability, opportunities for spiritual growth, and the ability to participate in church decisions.

While giving is encouraged as a form of worship and support for the church's mission, it is not a mandatory requirement for membership.

Yes, non-members are welcome to participate in most church activities, but some roles may be reserved for members.

The process is very simple it usually involves a conversation with church leadership and a formal request to be removed from membership.

We offer new member classes, mentorship, and integration into small groups to help new members acclimate.

Members can serve in various capacities, including leadership positions, depending on their gifts and the needs of the church.

Regular attendance is encouraged to foster community and spiritual growth, but attendance requirements may vary.

Church discipline aims to restore members through loving correction when they stray from biblical teachings.

Our church offers a variety of educational programs, including Bible study groups, Sunday school for all ages, and theological seminars to deepen understanding of the faith.

We encourage spiritual growth through regular worship services, prayer meetings, retreats, and providing resources for personal devotion and study.

For those exploring Christianity, we provide introductory courses, access to literature, and one-on-one mentorship with knowledgeable members.

Yes, our church maintains a library with a wide range of religious texts, commentaries, and study materials for members to use.

Children and youth are educated through age-appropriate Sunday school classes, youth groups, and special programs designed to engage them in the faith.

We offer study guides, recommended reading plans, and group Bible studies to support personal engagement with Scripture.

We welcome questions and doubts as part of the faith journey and provide a safe space for discussion and exploration with pastors and leaders.

Sherperd groups are vital for building community, providing mutual support, and fostering deeper discussions about faith and life.

While spiritual growth is personal and can be difficult to measure, we look for signs such as increased participation, deeper community involvement, and the fruits of the Spirit in members' lives.